Maxim’s Centre
Kowloon, Hong Kong | 2015
2016 | Asia Pacific Property Award Five Stars Award
ARK was comissioned by Hong Kong Maxim’s Group in 2011 to be the Architect for an office headquarter at Cheung Sa Wan, Hong Kong.
Maxim’s is one of the leading food and beverage company with numerous restaurant and bakeries chains in the city of Hong Kong. The project goal is to design a new headquarter with 18,000 sqm floor space for Maxims to house their various programmes in terms of general office space, executive floor, training centers, conferences centers, staff facilities and a public face with Maxim’s own restaurant chains.
This 27-storey grade A office tower is located at an infill site of former maxims food factory facing Cheung Shun Street in Cheung Sa Wan. The podium, conceived as the “Public Zone”, engages the street with a 3-storey high glass wall revealing the entrance lobby atrium behind, forming a show window between the public and commercial sector. The typical office floors are designed to maximise daylight and seaview. The long span post tensioning structures allow greatest flexibility in office planning.